Catégorie : Health & Wellness

21 Memos
3 subscribers

  1. Santé
    Famous Dermatologist Revealed: Remove Brown Spots On Face And Skin With This Simple Trick!
    Numerous people find the age spots on their skin a huge problem, as they lower their self-esteem and look unattractive.

    They can appear on the face, shoulders, legs, arms, and their number increases over time.

    There are numerous lotions and creams offered on the market, which promise to help you get rid of age spots, but despite being ineffective, they are often loaded with dangerous chemicals as well.
    ...(read more)

    Date May 01, 2017
  2. Santé
    Dites au revoir à la douleur du nerf sciatique avec cette méthode naturelle

    Le nerf sciatique est le nerf le plus long du corps humain. Son inflammation produit une douleur très inconfortable qui commence dans la zone lombaire irradiant dans les fesses et à l’arrière de la jambe, jusqu’au pied. Le repos aide à soulager temporairement le problème mais ne le résout pas. En plus de la douleur, d’autres symptômes peuvent apparaître, par exemple, l’inconfort de s’asseoir, sentir les jambes lourdes...(read more)

    Date May 01, 2017
  3. Baking soda is one of the most versatile and powerful natural remedies in the case of countless different health issues.

    This cheap, but effective ingredient can be used to prevent colds, headaches, cancer, skin, issues, and much more. Additionally, it can be used as a product for oral hygiene, as a deodorant, etc.

    Baking soda is often used to treat and prevent numerous health issues, including acidity, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, drug intoxication, and metabolic acidosis.

    Also, it contains sodiu...(read more)

    Date January 28, 2017
  4. Santé
    Le lait d’ail : un remède magique pour soulager la sciatique

    Le lait d’ail est un remède naturel comportant de nombreux bénéfices pour la santé. Il est très efficace pour combattre les vers ainsi que pour soulager la sciatique. Ce traitement alternatif peut vous aider à réduire l’inflammation du nerf sciatique et agit comme un analgésique pour réduire la douleur qui peut vous empêcher de mener une vie normale. Nous savons que l’ail est un aliment très bénéfique, car ses propriétés antibiotiques...(read more)

    Date September 30, 2016
  5. Santé
    8 Body Weight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
    No fancy equipment required.

    Are you worried you don't have the right gear for a good workout? Don't be, says Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Auburn University Montgomery. Body weight moves—exercises that use the weight of your own body as resistance, and that's it—can be just as effective as ones done with weights or on fancy machines. What's more, they translate to real life in ways the butt blaster machine simply can't.

    “Bod...(read more)

    Date July 27, 2016
  6. Santé
    La potion magique qui dissout les kilos pendant la nuit !
    Pris séparément, le miel et la cannelle font preuve, tous les deux, de quelques performances remarquables dans notre organisme, mais rares sont ceux ou celles qui ont une idée précise de la magie de leur combinaison; celle ci accélère le métabolisme et brûle les graisses plus que tout autre chose au monde.
    Comment, donc, préparer cette potion combinée ?
    Ingrédients :
    deux petites cuillères d’un miel brut
    Une petite cuillère de can...(read more)

    Date May 14, 2016
  7. Santé
    Headache relief

    Date March 12, 2016
  8. Santé
    Sunburns can be itchy and painful for days. Fortunately, there are onions! For this remedy, apply a slice of onion to your burn immediately and leave it on the affected area for approximately two minutes. Next, use egg whites to glaze the area and let it dry. You will be amazed by the speedy results.

    Date March 12, 2016
  9. Santé
    Onions are a great, natural remedy for fighting infections. For this life hack, boil some milk and then put some of the boiled milk onto a slice of white bread. Next, grate an onion onto the piece of bread and crush all three ingredients into a paste. Apply the paste to your wound and let it sit for two hours. The paste will remove the infection and pus from your wound as it hardens. After two hours, wash the infected area and repeat the process.

    Date March 12, 2016
  10. Santé
    Onion extract can reduce the appearance of scars since it stimulates collagen production while containing other anti-inflammatory properties. Onions can also help prevent scars from darkening, especially in people with darker skin tones. Some people use this remedy for surgical scars or acne scars.

    Date March 12, 2016
  11. Santé
    A horrible earache can make you want to chop off your own ear to remove the pain. Fortunately, there is a much easier way to get rid of the discomfort! Start by cutting an onion and then remove the internal part known as the "heart." Place this part in your inner ear. (Note: You do not have to shove the onion deep inside of your ear.) Leave the onion in your ear while the pain begins to dissipate. The anti-inflammatory properties of the onion will decrease the amount of pain you feel wh...(read more)

    Date March 12, 2016
  12. Santé
    Homemade Cough Remedy
    You can make your own cough syrup from the comfort of your home. Since the main ingredient is onion, you probably won't have the best breath afterward, but you can add honey to make it taste better.
    You will need…
    -1 red or yellow onion
    -Roughly a cup of organic raw honey
    -A jar or something similar with a tight fitting lid that will comfortably but snugly hold your onion
    Slice the onion evenly. Place the base of the onion in your jar, and then pour honey in a...(read more)

    Date March 12, 2016
  13. Santé
    This hack may sound odd, but it works! If you have a fever, simply put a few onion slices in the bottom of your socks before getting into bed. This is a great fever-reducing remedy if you have small children who don't like taking over-the-counter medications.

    Date March 12, 2016
  14. Santé
    Scrapes And Cuts
    If you have a cut, clean the wound and then put onion skin on it. The onion skin will cause the bleeding to stop while speeding up the healing process.

    Date March 12, 2016
  15. Zu San Li – Point of Longevity – How to Activate It
    Pressure point stimulation, whether by massage (acupressure) or through stimulation with fine needles (acupuncture), is a practice that is part art and part science, and dates back to ancient times in the Far East. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has used pressure point stimulation for millennia, and both practitioners and patients swear by the amazing results it produces.
    The practice of massaging or puncturing pressure points is based on...(read more)

    Date November 29, 2015
  16. Santé
    This is the Healthiest Breakfast: Clean Your Body From Toxins and Lose 11 Pounds in a Month
    This is one of the healthiest and most delicious breakfasts, because it contains vitamins and minerals that amend appearance of skin, hair, normalize the metabolism and strengthens the body. The daily breakfast will help eliminate impurities from the body and cleanse the bowel.
    Unconditionally solves the problem of lazy bowel and constipation, fat burning and normalize weight.
    After a month of drinking t...(read more)

    Date October 14, 2015
  17. Santé
    The Best Things To Eat For Every Blood Type, And Why It’s Important

    The Blood Type Diet was created by naturopath Peter J. D'Adamo who states eating a diet based on your blood type -(A, AB, B, or O) can help you trim down and get healthier.

    He has done much research and written a variety of works about the concept of blood group-influencing eating. He published his now-famous work Eat Right 4 Your Type in 1996 and has seen massive success.

    D'Adamo claims that the foods you eat react chemicall...(read more)

    Date October 04, 2015
  18. Santé
    Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids (Piles)

    This common problem occurs when veins in the anus and rectum become swollen and inflamed. A number of factors contribute to them, such as gravity, family history, constipation, a low-fiber diet, heavy lifting, obesity, food allergies, lack of physical activity, pregnancy, and prolonged sitting or standing.

    Hemorrhoids are mainly of two types – internal or external. As the terms suggest, internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum and external hemorrhoid...(read more)

    Date October 03, 2015
  19. Santé
    This Recipe Saves Lives: People Claim They Cured Their Cancer With It
    The baseline of this recipe are ginger and honey, and there are no side effects. One of the testimonies is a woman that has been on life support for 20 days, because she had cancer of the endocrine glands, now claims to be cured without chemotherapy and surgery and is healthier than ever.
    Ingredients and Preparation Method:
    2 larger ginger roots well cleaned and blended;
    After that mix 1 pound of organic honey with the ginge...(read more)

    Date April 26, 2015
  20. Santé
    How To Get Rid Of Tonsillitis And Sore Throat in Only Few Hours!
    Do you have a sore throat or tonsillitis that is bothering you? This old home made recipe is known to treat those problems with ease and cure them in 4 hours.
    Here is the recipe:
    Pour 200 ml of water over 80 g of grounded cumin seeds, and boil it for 15 minutes.
    You will receive a thick extensible mass that looks like coffee grounds.
    Strain and add 50 ml of water, then heat it up until it starts boiling.
    After that just add 1 tabl...(read more)

    Date April 13, 2015
  21. Ante Kresich et de nombreuses autres personnes sont témoins que lorsqu’on mélange le miel à des épices comme le pin, le gingembre et d’autres plantes, le miel peut guérir le cancer, même si la médecine conventionnelle n’approuve pas ce remède.

    Voici la recette :

    Vous avez besoin de quelques belles racines de gingembre. Broyez finement le gingembre et mélangez avec ½ kilo de miel. N’oubliez pas que le miel doit être bio et propre, achetez-en à un producteur de confiance.

    Conservez ce remède da...(read more)

    Date March 07, 2015